Key Facts:
The functions
y = ax or f(x) = ax
where a is a constant, are exponential functions
ax = n means that logan = x
where a is called the base of the logarithm
loga1 = 0
Any number to the power 0 is 1, x0 = 1 or a0 = 1
logaa = 1
Any number to the power 1 is just the number itself, 101 = 10,
61 = 6 or a1 = a
Multiplication law
loga xy = laga x + loga y
Division law
loga (x/y) = loga x – loga y
Power law
loga (x)k = k loga x
From the power law
loga (1/x) = -loga x
Equations of the form ax = b can be solved by taking logarithms (to base 10) of each side
Change of base rule
logax = (logbx)/(logba)
From the change of base rule
logab = 1/logba
For the OCR, you need to remember all of the above key points. For Edexcel, only the change of base rule is given in the formulae booklet, everything else you need to remember.
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