Types of calculator
If you look on the internet or even on your local High Street, you’ll find that there’s a huge range of calculators available, costing from just a couple of pounds up to hundreds of pounds. So, which one is right for you or your child? What are the different types of calculator?
Here’s a basic summary of the types of calculator around, and who might want them
Basic calculator
What does it do?
- Add
- Subtract
- Multiply
- Divide
- Percentages
- Square roots
- Simple memory function
Suitable for:
- Primary school age children
- General use around the home
Scientific calculator
What does it do?
- Combinations
- Coordinate conversion
- Degrees
- Degrees/minutes/seconds
- Exponential regression
- Exponents
- Expression editing
- Factorials
- Fractions
- Gradians
- Hyperbolics
- Inverse regression
- Linear regression
- Logarithm
- Logarithmic regression
- Negative Indicator
- Permutations
- Power regression
- Quadratic regression
- Radians
- Random numbers
- Reciprocals
- Roots & powers
- Standard deviation
- Table of a function
- Trigonometrics (SIN/COS/TAN)
- Multi-replay
Suitable for:
- Secondary school onwards
Graphic calculator
What does it do?
- Angle measurements(DEG/RAD/GRA)
- Bar chart
- Combinations (nCr) & permutations (nPr)
- Complex numbers
- Confidence intervals (Z & T)
- DEC/HEX/BIN/OCT conversions
- Distribution Tests (Z, t, chi, ANOVA)
- Distributions (NORM/T/CHI/F/binomial/Poisson)
- Dynamic graphing
- Fractions
- Graphing
- Hyperbolic / Inverse Hyperbolic
- Inequality
- Logic Operations
- No. of Regression Types 10
- Numeric Equation Solver
- Parametric
- Parenthesis levels 26
- Pie chart
- Polar
- Random numbers
- Rectangular
- Roots & powers
- Single and double variable
- Statistical calculations
- TVM – Financial Calculations
Suitable for:
- Secondary school onwards
Some models of graphic calculator are allowed into GCSE and A Level exams, others are not. Check current rules for the relevant examining organisation before you buy, if you want a calculator to take into exams.
For GCSE and A Level exams, a Scientific calculator is all that is necessary, although a Graphic calculator may be a useful extra.
Financial calculator
What does it do?
- Amortization
- Cash flow (Investment Appraisal)
- Compound Interest Calcualtions
- Conversions
- Cost sell margin and day calculations
- Exponential regression
- Full scientific functions
- Linear regression
- Logarithmic regression
- Multi replay
- Quadratic regression
- Simple and compound interest
- Time-Value-Money calculations
Suitable for:
- Anyone studying financial management