Some of the best preparation you can do for exams is to do as many past papers as you can.
To start with you may need to use your textbook and notes for reference while you work through past papers. This is good because it encourages you to revise topics that you need to do extra work on.
By the last week or so before your exams you should be working through past papers under ‘exam conditions’ – timing yourself and only using the Formulae Booklet for reference.
If you don’t have a copy of the Formulae Booklet, they are available to download from Exam Board websites.
Downloads for you:
OCR C1 Question Paper January 2007
OCR C1 Mark Scheme January 2007
OCR C1 January 2007 Worked Solutions with Explanatory Notes
The C1 syllabus varies slightly between exam boards. If you’re not taking OCR C1, you may find that one or two of the questions cover topics that you have not studied.
Any questions? Email me at or use the contact form and I will do my best to answer promptly.
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