With exams coming up in May and June, now is a good time to start revising and preparing for GCSEs and A levels. If you live in the Witney area, how about giving your revision a kick start with some individual Maths tuition? I currently have a few vacancies for GCSE and A Level revision […]
Disappointing Mock Results? – What to do
Most people taking GCSE or AS/A2 Modules in May and June will have taken their mock exams by now and know the results. If you didn’t do as well as you were expecting, hoping or need to, don’t panic! There is still time to sort out the problems before the exams, but you need to […]
Ten tips for making the most of half ter...
For those of you taking exams in March, half term is an ideal time to do some extra revision and make sure you are well prepared. Even if you’re not taking exams until May and June, now is a good time to start thinking about revision. Follow these ten tips for making the most of […]
The End of Modular GCSEs – what does it
On 27 January 2012, Ofqual confirmed the changes to be made to GCSEs. The two main changes are the reintroduction of marks awarded for spelling, punctuation and grammar, and the return to end of course exams. In terms of GCSE Maths, the important change is the end of modular assessment. Under the current arrangements, pupils […]
GCSE Mathematics Early Entry – Is it a g
Currently, there are Linear and Modular GCSEs, although Modular versions are being phased out. Modular GCSEs are designed so that students sit individual modules at several points during Years 10 and 11. Linear GCSEs are designed so that students sit their exams at the end of Key Stage 4, in the summer term of Year […]
How to Get a Grade A* at GCSE Mathematic...
As well as being able to do all the items listed in the posts How to get a Grade A at GCSE Maths, How to get a Grade B at GCSE Maths and How to get a Grade C at GCSE Mathematics. If you want to get a grade A* at GCSE Mathematics, you also […]